• Considerations for Those Wanting Cosmetic Dental Procedures

    5 January 2018

    There are many people that may find themselves unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. Considering the prominence your teeth will have in your overall appearance, this can be a source of tremendous self-doubt and low self-esteem . Not surprisingly, those that are facing these issues may want to get veneers. Before you consider cosmetic dentistry, take a look at the following questions.  How Are Veneers Attached to Your Teeth?

  • 4 Faqs Regarding Teeth Whitening

    5 January 2018

    Tooth whitening is one of the most popular dental cosmetic procedures because it is effective and leaves smiles looking bright and white. If your smile has been looking a little dingy, you may be wondering if tooth whitening is the right choice for you. Check out these four frequently asked questions about teeth whitening procedures and products. Do Over-the-Counter Products Work? There are over-the-counter products you can purchase from your local pharmacy or grocery store.

  • Ensure Lasting Dental Implant Success With These 3 Tips

    30 November 2017

    Dental implant surgery has a success rate of about 98%, which is actually very high. If you're considering dental implant surgery, this statistic should help put your mind at ease. However, you still want to know how to avoid falling into the two percent of patients whose dental implants fail. There are things you can do to increase the chances that your dental implants will last for the long term. Take a look at these tips for dental implant success.

  • 3 Foods To Be Careful With This Holiday Season

    7 November 2017

    The holiday season is quickly approaching, and that often means a lot of delicious goodies to be enjoyed. While it is fantastic to indulge every once in a while, during the holidays, there are certain foods that are very hard and can result in cracked teeth. This can be especially problematic if you have very weak teeth to begin with. Cracked teeth can often end in a root canal and crown, so it is important to be very careful when you are biting on problematic foods.

  • Over-The-Counter Mouthguards Versus Custom Guards

    10 October 2017

    If you play a sport or suffer from teeth grinding, you may be concerned about your teeth. The teeth can be loosened or even knocked from the mouth during a sporting event. In addition, teeth can become chipped or cracked from the extreme pressure of an episode of gnashing.  Many people know that a mouthguard can help to protect the teeth from trauma-based damage, but they may know little about the differences between an over-the-counter mouthguard and a custom-fitted guard.

  • How Bacteria Affect Your Oral Health

    13 September 2017

    Your mouth contains numerous microorganisms. The dark, moist, warm environment of the oral cavity allows certain types of bacteria to grow and thrive. Here are a few ways that oral bacteria can affect your mouth. Halitosis Halitosis, which is the official name for bad breath, can occur for several different reasons, such as the ingestion of spicy foods. However, the primary reason for stale odor of halitosis is oral bacteria.

  • Relieving Pain And Discomfort From Braces: What You Need To Know

    11 August 2017

    Getting braces is the quickest and most effective way to straighten your teeth and achieve a near-perfect smile. Still, braces are a long-term commitment (usually one to two years) and can be a bit difficult to get used to. When you first have them put on and when you subsequently have them tightened by your orthodontist, they can be a bit uncomfortable. And while the pain will be worth it in the end, there are some pain-relief tips worth keeping in mind: