• Living with Adult Braces

    31 August 2016

    If you've suffered from crooked teeth your entire life, choosing braces in middle age or later is a big deal. Although you won't be wearing them forever, it may seem like it. Also, if you are single and dating, you may feel braces are a negative influence on your social life. Fortunately, you can more easily adapt to your new accessories if you follow a few tips. Brushing You may already be conscientious about your oral health, but braces require that you take things up a notch.

  • Nervous About Dental Implant Surgery? Facts You Should Know

    16 August 2016

    If you are thinking about getting implants to improve your smile, you may have some questions about the process. This implant is a major investment of time, money, and energy, so it is natural that you want to have as much information about the procedure as possible. The following are some important facts about the dental implant process that you may want to know: It Will Require Several Visits When you get dental implants, you will need to have several tests performed prior to the procedure.

  • Dental Care Tips For Moms

    27 July 2016

    Moms and moms-to-be need to take special care of the teeth to provide a wide smile for a lifetime. You and your children can benefit from good oral hygiene practices before and after birth. Pregnancy brings many changes to your body and with those changes can come sensitive teeth. Pregnancy Changes Everything: Pregnancy hormones can have an effect on how your body reacts to bacteria that can lead to periodontal infections.

  • Two Gamification Ideas for Getting Kids to Brush and Floss Daily

    6 July 2016

    Tooth decay can have a negative impact on your children's health, so ensuring they brush and floss on a daily basis is important for keeping the germs from damaging primary and secondary teeth. Getting kids to brush for the recommended minimum two minutes can sometimes be difficult, however. One way to overcome this is to gamify the process, which can cause kids to get excited about oral care. Here's more information about gamification and two ways to use it.

  • Adults Over 60: Are You A Candidate For Orthodontic Treatment?

    22 June 2016

    If you're an older adult who wants to correct your crooked teeth with braces, you may wonder if you're still a good candidate for orthodontic treatment. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, orthodontic treatment can benefit anyone who has healthy teeth. The only thing that might keep you from getting braces is periodontal disease, or gum disease. Gum disease doesn't just affect your gum tissue; it can also cause problems with the bones of your jaws.

  • 2 Tips To Protect Your Direct Composite Veneers From Developing Stains

    2 June 2016

    Direct composite veneers are often used as an affordable dental restoration method to replace damaged teeth. This type of restoration looks and feels just like natural teeth and helps to provide you with a seamless smile. However, since a direct composite restoration is more affordable than other veneers the material used is not as durable. This leaves the veneers more vulnerable to damage from food stains. The staining can be difficult to fully remove once it has occurred.

  • Avoid Periodontal Disease Using These Common Items

    16 May 2016

    Periodontal disease can causeinflamed and receding gums, bleeding while brushing or flossing, and even loose teeth as time goes on. Regular cleanings and checkups at your dentist's office will help ensure that you never have to face the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. Additionally, there are a few items you can use at home to help stop gum disease from developing. Try one or more of the following effective options: