• What Options Do You Have When Getting Dental Implants?

    21 December 2019

    Having missing teeth can be a huge negative impact on one's self esteem. Some people even lose the desire to smile if they feel their teeth are unattractive. Fortunately, many have been able to have their smiles repaired to perfection by getting dental implants.  Dental implants are attached to the gums under the gum tissue so they are held in place tightly. These are some of the different options you have when getting dental implants.

  • New To Wearing Braces? Know How To Keep Your Mouth Clean

    24 November 2019

    Having braces placed on your teeth is the first step towards strengthening out all of those small imperfections. However, having a dental appliance attached to your teeth is going to cause problems with keeping your mouth clean. Here are some tips for ensuring you have great oral health while wearing braces. Brush At A 45 Degree Angle It is important that you learn to brush the right way when you have braces placed on your teeth.

  • Teeth Whitening: How To Make Yours Last

    23 October 2019

    You want to get your teeth whitened, and you see a ton of at-home remedies you can use to make this happen. From baking soda to hydrogen peroxide to at-home whitening kits, it's tempting to just go with what seems cheapest and most effective and hope for great results. However, it's best to go with a dentist for your teeth whitening needs because some of the whitening agents you use in the store or even at home can be damaging to your tooth enamel or can make your gums sensitive and sore as a result.

  • 3 Things To Look Forward To With Invisalign

    26 September 2019

    Clear aligners such as Invisalign offer significant benefits. If you want orthodontic treatment without all the glue and wires of traditional braces, Invisalign treatment is a smart choice. Here are three things you can look forward to when you choose this dental treatment:  1. Floss without special equipment. Flossing is extremely important for overall dental health. It allows you to clean away plaque, bacteria, and food particles that can collect between your teeth and below your gum line.

  • 4 Things You'll Need To Know When Getting Dentures

    26 August 2019

    Whenever possible, dentists strive to preserve your natural teeth. However, sometimes decay or damage due to an accident means that an extraction is the best solution. If you and your dentist agree that a full extraction is the right course of action, you will probably want to get dentures following the procedure. A full set of dentures will allow you to continue to smile and chew as normal. There are some things you should know first, however.

  • Consequences Of Acid Reflux Disease On Your Teeth And Gums

    23 July 2019

    If you suffer from acid reflux disease, then your're probably very familiar with its intrusive symptoms. They include heartburn, a burning sensation in your throat, frequent throat clearing, coughing, and feeling as though you have a lump in your throat. Tooth and gum problems related to acid reflux disease are commonly seen in dentistry practices, and while your dentist can treat your symptoms, you will need to get frequent dental checkups so that the condition of your teeth and gums can be closely monitored.

  • How Your Dentist Can Spot A Vitamin C Deficiency

    28 June 2019

    Almost everyone knows how important it is to see the family dentist on a regular basis for checkups and cleanings, but many don't realize that the dentist can sometimes recognize illness and even vitamin deficiencies during a dental examination. Here are some ways your dentist may find that you have a vitamin C deficiency during your oral exam. Heavy Or Prolonged Gum Bleeding During your appointment, your dentist will use dental instruments such as stainless steel probes.

  • Soft Foods You Need To Eat After Dental Implant Surgery

    29 May 2019

    If you want dental implants, then your dentist will probably give you a great deal of information on the surgery, recovery, and the aftercare involved. And, while post-surgical care may not be directly on your mind if you do not have the surgery scheduled yet, you absolutely should be thinking about things like your diet once the surgery is over. Soft foods should be consumed and there are a few key things you should be consuming.

  • When To Visit A Periodontist

    2 May 2019

    Treating gum disease is one of the most important aspects of oral health, and a periodontist can help you address your needs. According to the CDC, nearly half of all American adults have gum disease. Periodontist services cover a wide range of issues, including receding gums and loss of bone tissue. Take a look at when you should get in touch with a professional. Common Warning Signs Not surprisingly, the gums themselves do provide hints of trouble.

  • How Real Does a Dental Implant Feel Versus a Real Tooth?

    29 March 2019

    Dental implants look real, and they feel real, too. It can be hard to just take that statement at face value if you've never had one, though. If you're worried about always being able to feel the presence of a dental implant in your mouth, rest assured that won't happen. Here are the three reasons your dental implant won't stand out and will feel extremely real in comparison to your real teeth.