• 2 Tips To Protect Your Direct Composite Veneers From Developing Stains

    2 June 2016

    Direct composite veneers are often used as an affordable dental restoration method to replace damaged teeth. This type of restoration looks and feels just like natural teeth and helps to provide you with a seamless smile. However, since a direct composite restoration is more affordable than other veneers the material used is not as durable. This leaves the veneers more vulnerable to damage from food stains. The staining can be difficult to fully remove once it has occurred.

  • Avoid Periodontal Disease Using These Common Items

    16 May 2016

    Periodontal disease can causeinflamed and receding gums, bleeding while brushing or flossing, and even loose teeth as time goes on. Regular cleanings and checkups at your dentist's office will help ensure that you never have to face the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. Additionally, there are a few items you can use at home to help stop gum disease from developing. Try one or more of the following effective options:

  • Keeping Your Kids Engaged In Their Own Dental Health Routine

    27 April 2016

    As a parent, you may feel as if you are constantly nagging your kids to make healthy choices. One area you may be able to empower your kids to make good choices is with their dental health. Giving your kids the encouragement to keep their teeth in good shape can take the pressure off you by giving your kids an appreciation for oral hygiene. Here are four ways you can help your kids become engaged in their own dental health.

  • Common Oral Health Issues: A Closer Look At Dry Mouth

    9 April 2016

    Dry mouth is a condition during which it feels as though there is not enough saliva inside of your mouth. Just about everyone experiences dry mouth at some point in time. Having frequent dry mouth, however, can be both uncomfortable and dangerous. In fact, it can lead to bigger health problems and be a sign of numerous diseases and conditions. What Causes Dry Mouth? It a common side effect of medications used to treat many ailments, including depression and obesity.

  • What Could Cause Your Teeth To Feel Numb?

    16 March 2016

    Although teeth may seem like solid, unchanging chunks of enamel, they are actually highly sensitive systems packed with nerves and living tissue. If you bite into an apple or drink a mug of hot coffee, your teeth should respond to the stimulation. If, instead, one or more of your teeth experiences numbness, you may be dealing with a serious dental or medical condition that will require prompt attention. These four possible causes behind numb teeth should help you narrow down the source of your own numbness and begin seeking treatment.

  • Preventing An Infection After A Dental Implant Procedure

    22 February 2016

    Dental implant surgery is a very safe procedure, but there are some risks. One of these risks is infection. Infection doesn't just cause discomfort, it can also prevent the implant from properly fusing with the bone, causing the implant to fail and requiring that the procedure to be repeated. You can avoid an infection. Here are just some of the methods you can use to help minimize your risk of contracting an infection after a dental implant procedure.

  • 3 Natural Substances For More Effective Teeth Cleaning

    3 February 2016

    If you would like cleaner teeth, you don't always have to rely on the latest commercial item on your drug store shelf. Natural substances that you may already have at home can be used as adjuncts to your current oral hygiene regimen for a new level of teeth cleaning. Here are a few natural substances that can help you clean your teeth more effectively: Hydrogen Peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic solution that is usually available in a three-percent concentration.

  • How To Protect Your Teeth During A Juice Cleanse

    14 January 2016

    If you're trying to start your new year right and you've set a resolution to lose weight, you might be interested in trying a juice cleanse. This diet fad is quite popular right now, and many people say that it not only helps them to shed pounds, but leaves them feeling great, too. However, it's important to take steps to protect your teeth while you're working on your body. If you're thinking of starting a juice cleanse or are already in one, read these tips to keep your teeth safe.