• When To Visit A Periodontist

    2 May 2019

    Treating gum disease is one of the most important aspects of oral health, and a periodontist can help you address your needs. According to the CDC, nearly half of all American adults have gum disease. Periodontist services cover a wide range of issues, including receding gums and loss of bone tissue. Take a look at when you should get in touch with a professional. Common Warning Signs Not surprisingly, the gums themselves do provide hints of trouble.

  • How Real Does a Dental Implant Feel Versus a Real Tooth?

    29 March 2019

    Dental implants look real, and they feel real, too. It can be hard to just take that statement at face value if you've never had one, though. If you're worried about always being able to feel the presence of a dental implant in your mouth, rest assured that won't happen. Here are the three reasons your dental implant won't stand out and will feel extremely real in comparison to your real teeth.

  • 3 Tips To Enhance Your Oral Health Regimen

    2 March 2019

    When it comes to your daily oral health regimen, you probably have brushing, flossing, and rinsing down. However, there are other oral health habits that you should be practicing on a routine basis as well. To ensure that you have a bright, white, healthy smile that lasts for a while, here are three things that will help to enhance your overall oral health regimen. Tip #1: Avoid Snacking Late at Night

  • Saving Your Child's Decaying Tooth: The Purpose Of A Kid-Friendly Root Canal

    2 February 2019

    Adults are not the only ones benefiting from root canals. Although most people do not know it, root canals are often performed on young children with cavities. Decay can begin to occur on a child's baby tooth after it has regularly encountered sugars that are easily found in both food and beverages. It may not seem like it is a huge deal because the baby tooth will eventually fall out, but it is something that needs to get taken care of to protect the child's tooth and gums while also preventing more issues for him or her when those adult teeth begin breaking through.

  • Times You Should Seek Help From A Dental Clinic Right Away For A Toothache Or Injury

    3 January 2019

    When you have a toothache, you don't want to suffer any longer than you need to. However, it's often difficult to know when a toothache is serious enough to need immediate treatment and when you can wait. If you're unsure, you should always call your dentist or go to a dental clinic for emergency treatment. Here are some signs that your toothache needs treatment as soon as possible. The Pain Is Unbearable

  • Can Nail-Biting Shorten Your Teeth?

    2 December 2018

    Nearly everyone knows that a regular habit of biting one's nails can cause their teeth to become crooked or even chipped. However, if you're lucky enough to avoid these problems, it might surprise you to learn that your potential troubles aren't over just yet. Biting your nails on a regular basis could end up leaving you with shorter-looking teeth. Here's why it happens and what you can do about it.

  • Things You Should Know Before You Get Braces

    2 November 2018

    Most people feel very excited when they are about to get braces on their teeth, simply because they know that the braces will help them develop a better smile over time. If you are excited that you are getting braces soon, there are a few things you should know before this day comes. In fact, here are four important things you should know before you get your braces on. Braces are not only for straightening teeth

  • Mistakes To Avoid While Taking Care Of A Cavity Until You See Your Dentist

    8 October 2018

    If you notice a sensitive spot on your tooth and realize you have a cavity, you may wonder what action you should take to take care of it while you wait to see your dentist. While there is not much you can do past ensuring your continue your oral care routine, there are a few mistakes that you should avoid when you have a cavity. Brushing Your Teeth Harder  Since a cavity is an opening in the enamel of your tooth, you may be worried that germs and food will get caught inside.

  • Three Tips To Make Oral Care A Breeze When You Have Sublingual Braces

    22 August 2018

    Sublingual braces are one of the most popular forms of braces these days because they offer excellent corrections to smiles without being visible to others. However, it's just as important to care for your sublingual braces and the teeth they're on as it is when someone has standard braces. Since you can't see sublingual braces easily, it can be a little more complicated. Don't worry about it—with these three tools, you'll never have difficulty with your oral health while you have braces.

  • Dental X-Rays: What They Show And Why They Are Important

    22 August 2018

    When you visit a dentist, one of the steps he or she will complete is taking X-rays of your teeth. The most common type of X-ray taken while getting routine dental services is a bitewing X-ray, and this type of X-ray is extremely helpful to dentists. Dental X-rays show dentists a lot of things they cannot see just by looking inside a person's mouth, and X-rays are important as they help dentists locate problems.